She was born as younger one to her parents about which she never complained even when she knew that their expectations were high upon their son...Even when her amma used to tell her that they were soo precious for her just like both eyes for a human..but silently she said to herself how weak one of her amma's eyes were!!!
Somewhere , sometimes she silently wished if only she could be a boy...She never disliked her sibling..she was always fond of him..she was the one who always gave up when they fought for she knew silently that was what her amma silently wished for...She always thought how lucky he was...born as...excellent in academics,knowledge wasn't limited within his school books,he wrote amazing poetries and stories.... She always tried to match up with him but he was always, still is far beyond her reach...She had talents,but wasnt multi talented like him,she had stories which unlike his remained untold untill one of her teacher found her work good...when she bagged a prize for her story it too got lost amidst the prizes of her brother...but she never complained and believed what her amma said was right may be she got only a bit of her brothers talent in writing..She didn't complain...she still continued to write unlike him.. ... in fact she loved writing which her parents never knew and still they dont.....she felt some kind of peace..she wrote whatever came into her mind..May be that was why she loved her diary and thinks of her as her prized possession
She understood there wasnt any point in competing with him..for he had far faaar..faar... excelled..She didnt complain when her parents revealed that their happiest moment was the day when their son made them proud by making their dream true..for by now she knew where she was lost.... what she could never do for them?? She knew her dreams remained as such unlike his..He did everything she couldnt but she didnt complain..whether it was him or her at the end of which her parents were happy..
She never complained when her bestfriend backstabbed her..
She didnt complain when she knew she wasnt even worth loving..
She didnt complain when people made fun of her being an emotional weirdo
She didnt complain when people accused her for living in a fantasy world
She didnt complain when she learned people can be selfish and cruel even when they dont wish to be...
Only once did she complain when she felt God wasnt fair with her friend...
By now she started accepting things..she learned to nod but forgot to say no...with time....she found the imperfections in herself that gave her enough reasons for the way things were...
Never did she complain for those imperfections as she felt those imperfections made her beautiful..unlike others...... :)